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Monthly Archives: September 2009

Fun Fall Things in CO

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

Here are some fun fall things to do in Colorado.

Free Denver Zoning Help

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

Saw this on If you live in Denver and are curious about how the new zoning changes might affect you, you should read this._________________

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Biweekly Mortgage Payments

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

If you’re interested in the concept of biweekly mortgage payments, you should read this article…______________________ Do you really want to pay your mortgage biweekly? By

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S&P/Case-Shiller update

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

The S&P/Case-Shiller composite index of home prices in 20 metropolitan areas rose 1.6 percent in July from June, more than the 0.5 percent estimate forecast

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Free Service for Homeowners

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

If you own your own home and would like to keep up to date on what’s selling in your neighborhood, I’ve got a great system

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Huge Savings!

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

My insurance agent, Jon Cordonier, just became an independent agent with AmerInsur and he saved my wife and I over $500 a year! Holy cow!

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Mortgage Applications Rise as Rates Fall

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

From… “Falling interest rates pushed mortgage applications up 12.8 percent last week on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association weekly

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Tick Tock Tick Tock

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

The $8,000 first time homebuyer credit ends on December 1st, which means that you must close on your new home on or before November 30th.

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Absorption Rate

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

The absorption rate in August was 4 months, compared to 8 months in March! “Normal” market is ~5-6 months. Nice!

3rd Quarter Denver Price Change Map

posted by: Drew Schneider in General

Denver Price Change MapThis map makes it pretty clear that we’re past the bottom in the low price neighborhoods.  You can see many parts of

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